Sharp teeth, as long as large kitchen knives, opposed to leave no escape and now in a reduced version in crocodiles; thorny spines of over one and a half meters extending from the vertebrae in the Spinosaurus, as an insurmountable defence; gold sacks and hollow bones to be light and membranes with a wingspan of up to 9 meters in the case of the Pteranodon, anticipating the solutions adopted by birds.

Long claws for climbing, defending, attacking. Horns and cranial thickenings for fighting rivals in courtship and in defense of the territory, which appeared with the Pachycephalosaurus.
Very long neck for animals up to 25 meters long and weighing over 50 tons such as the Brachiosaurus, to ensure the food needs of these mammoth vegetarians, survival tricks now left to the giraffes and the proboscis of the pachyderms.
A big hammer developed on the tail in the Ankylosaurus, to prune in the thick vegetation or as a defense weapon and still the passive protection due to a real armor, traceable today in the armadillo.

Up to the best known and most fearsome of predators, huge and powerful, stable in running and being able to turn suddenly thanks to its tail, the teeth of different shapes and functions, to better tear and devour the prey, belong to the most powerful bite ever existed: the Tyrannosaurus Rex, capable of a jaw pressure of 6 tons.
A figure that has always inspired the imagination of adults and children. With over 12 meters of absolute wickedness, the T-Rex is the symbol of a world that stopped over 65 million years ago with the great extinction.